What would happen if I left?

What would happen if I left?

Hello, I was wondering what would happen if I leave my husband , what would I get, as far as child support for a child we share togther and my son who lives with us (both are under age 10). There has been abuse (physical, mental, and verbal), and also some sort of adultry. I am trying to fight for my marriage but if I am being told to leave what should I do?


Apart from financial or legal issues if you are being abused call a domestic abuse hotline in your area and ask for help and guidance. Once you've addressed te abuse issue they can direct you to an attorney, legal aid if necessary, to address the support, custody and other issues. But if you're being abused address it now.

If the abuse is as you describe get some professional help. The hot line can help direct you to the appropriate mental health professionals. Also ask this professional what help should be given to the children.

Child support varies by state and will also depend on economic conditions. You'll have to ask a lawyer if it would even be available for your son who lived with you. Your husband may not have any responsibility for him. Unfortunately, the myriad of legal issues you'll have to address don't sound to be the priority if there is physical abuse.

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