How are laws made?
The constitution sets parameters for which laws can be enacted by the states and which by the federal government. For federal government Congress proposes laws within the parameters permitted to it and then once approved they are passed into law. However, it doesn't end there. Laws, and there interpretations are subject to interpretation by the courts. So the fact that a law was passed is only really part of the story, the interpretation of that law is just as important. But the story continues. Many laws may create the opportunity for various government agencies or bodies to enact regulations to apply the laws. These regulations are vitally important to understand the details and nuances of how the laws will be applied. The same sequence is replicated by each state. Then within each state municipalities and other government bodies may issue regulations with the parameters of the state statutes. If you look up any statute (law) it will often recite at the end the legislative history of how that law was proposed and enacted. If you go to your public library and ask for your state statutes the books you get will often summarizes key court cases interpreting each of the laws under each statute.
Hope that helps.
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