By: Martin M. Shenkman, CPA, MBA, JD
What's Estate Planning Really About?
By Martin M. Shenkman
Estate planning is about developing, implementing and monitoring a comprehensive plan to protect you, your loved ones and your wealth.
It doesn't matter how young or old, rich or poor, famous or invisible you might be. The definition is the same, but the goals are unique to you and must be defined and set by you.
Introduction - Get Back to Basics
For our new national radio audience let's take a step back and look at what estate planning is really about. While the impact of the recession is on everyone's mind, the basics of what estate planning is really about haven't changed. Keeping the key objectives in mind will assure you a better result. It will also change the process for you.
What Estate Planning is Not Only About
There are a lot of things estate planning should not be about:
What Estate Planning is Really About
There are a lot of components to a real estate plan. It is not just a will.
One dimensional plans that focus on one item, getting a will, avoiding probate, etc. are generally useless, or worse. Get real and do it right. There are no magic bullets. It will take money, time and effort to do the job right. Anything less won't work.
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